Journal Publications
Kliesch, C. (2024). Extending cognitive development into the body and the environment. Mefisto, 8(1) doi: 10.4454/mefisto.8-1.1125
Xie, S., Hoehl, S., Moeskops, M., Kayhan, E., Kliesch, C., Turtleton, B., Köster, M., & Cichy, R.M. (2022). Visual category representations in the infant brain. Current Biology, 32 (4), 5422-5432.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.11.016
Kliesch, C., Parise, E., Reid, V. M., and Hoehl, S. (2021). The role of social signals in segmenting observed actions in eighteen-month-old children. Developmental Science, 25 (3), doi: 10.1111/desc.13198
Köster, M., Langeloh, M., Kliesch, C., Kanngiesser, P., & Hoehl, S. (2021). The value of subsequent memory paradigms in uncovering neural mechanisms of early social learning. NeuroImage, 117978, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117978
Koester, M., Langeloh M., Kliesch, C., Kanngiesser, P., Höhl, S. (2021), Motor Cortex Activity during Action Observation Predicts Subsequent Action Imitation in Human Infants, Neuroimage (218), doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116958
Roberts, S., Killin, A., Deb, A., Sheard, C., Greenhill, S., Sinnemäki, K., … Kliesch, C., … Pellard, T. (2020). CHIELD: The causal hypotheses in evolutionary linguistics database. Journal of Language Evolution, doi:10.1093/jole/lzaa001
O’Grady, C.1, Kliesch, C.1, Smith, K., & Scott-Phillips, T. C. (2015). The ease and extent of recursive mindreading, across implicit and explicit tasks. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36 (4), 313–322. doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2015.01.004
Kliesch, C. (2012). Making sense of syntax—Innate or acquired? Contrasting Universal Grammar with other approaches to language acquisition., Journal of European Psychology Students, 3: 54–60.
1 Joint first authorship
Conference Proceedings
Paper presentations
Maffongelli, L., Kliesch, C., Paulus, M., & Altvater-Mackensen, N. (2023) Are differences in structural complexity of actions reflected in neural processing of action manipulations?, Crossing-Conference, October 4-6, Potsdam (DE)
Kliesch, C., Parise, E. & Reid, V.M. (2023),Using the Pupillary Light Reflex (PLR) to investigate whether communicative signals increase arousal in infants, in: Symposium: Pupillometry in Developmental Research: Different Perspectives on Conceptual and Methodological Considerations, 25. Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungspsychologie (EPSY), September 03-05, Berlin (DE)
Kliesch, C. (2023), Infants’ Understanding of communicative signals: A 4E-perspective. [ Abstract ], European Society for Philosophy and Psychology Conference, August 28-31, Prague (CZ).
Kliesch, C. (2023), An ecological perspective to infants’ understanding of social signals [Flash talk], Berlin Workshop on Ecological Psychology, June 9, 2023, Berlin (DE).
Kliesch, C. (2023), An ecological perspective of infants’ early social development [Abstract], Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, June 03–06, 2023, Madrid (ES)
Kliesch, C., Maffongelli, L., Neumann, M.-T., Friederici, A., Paulus, M., & Altvater-Mackensen, N. (2021), A novel task to measure children’s planning of sequential and dependent actions, Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, January 04–08, 2021, Budapest (HU)/Online
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V.M. & Parise, E. (2019), Toddlers use communicative signals to segment
actions [Paper], paEpsy, Universität Leipzig, Sept 09–12, 2019, Leipzig, (DE).
Köster, M., Langeloh, M., Kliesch, C., Kanngießer, P., & Höhl, S., (2019), Neuronal dynamics of infants’ understanding and learning from others’ actions [Symposium contribution], paEpsy, Universität Leipzig, Sept 09–12, 2019, Leipzig, (DE).
Kliesch, C. (2019), Parent-child interactions scaffold action segmentation in infancy and early childhood, SALC7: The 7th conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, May 22-24, 2019
Köster, M., Langeloh, M., Kliesch, C., Kanngießer, P., & Höhl, S., (2019), Neuronal dynamics of infants’ understanding and learning from others’ actions, SRCD Biennial Meeting, March 21–23, 2019, Baltimore (USA).
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V.M. & Parise, E., (2017), Seven months’ understanding of everyday actions in communicative and non-communicative contexts, LuCID Conference, July 6–7, 2017, Lancaster (UK).
Kliesch, C. (2017), The effect of communication on infants’ understanding of actions: Evidence from Event-related potentials, eye-tracking and pupil dilation, Lancaster University Psychology Postgraduate Conference, June 27, 2017, Lancaster (UK).
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V.M. & Parise, E., (2017), Infants’ understanding and learning of expected, unexpected and novel actions in pedagogical and non-pedagogical contexts, LuCID Mini Conference, September 21–22, 2016, Manchester (UK).
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V.M. & Parise, E., (2016), Ostensive Communication and Teleological Understanding of Actions in 7 and 9-Month Old Infants, Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, August 25–27, 2016, Lancaster (UK).
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V.M. & Parise, E., (2016), Ostensive Communication and Teleological Understanding of Actions in 7 and 9-Month Old Infants, LuCID Mini Conference, October 6–7, 2016, Liverpool (UK).
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V.M. & Parise, E., (2015), Ostensive Communication and Teleological Understanding of Actions in 7 and 9-Month Old Infants [Price for the best first-year presentation], North West Doctoral Training Centre Psychology Pathway Postgraduate Conference, July 14, 2015, Liverpool (UK).
Poster presentations
Kliesch, C. & Bichler, E. F., (2024) A change in perspective: The role of walking in gaze and point following between 6-18 months of age, International Congress of Infant Studies, July 08–11, 2024, Glasgow (Scotland)
Kliesch, C., Maffongelli, L., Paulus, M., & Altvater-Mackensen, N. Are differences in structural complexity of actions reflected in neural processing of action manipulations? Crossing-Conference, October 4-6, Potsdam (DE)
Maffongelli, L., Kliesch, C., Neumann, M-T., Bredel, E., Paulus, M., & Altvater-Mackensen, N. Relating preschoolers’ ability to plan complex actions to their socio-cognitive and linguistic skills, Crossing-Conference, October 4-6, Potsdam (DE)
Rustemeyer, L. & Kliesch, C. (2023), Effects of segment position and action prompts on the imitation of action sequences in preschool children, Crossing Conference, October 04-06, Potsdam (DE)
Ke, H., Kliesch, C. & Westermann, G. (2023), The role of verbal cues and perceptual similarity in object categorisation in 18m-old toddlers: A pupil dilation study, 25. Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungspsychologie (EPSY), September 03-05, Berlin (DE)
Kliesch, C., Kalayci, A., & Brandl, W. (2023), Curiosity and action imitation in 18-month-old toddlers. [ Poster ], Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, August 23–25, 2023, Lancaster (UK).
Kliesch, C. (2023), Postnatal dependency and its contribution to joint action understanding. [ Poster ], Joint Action Meeting, July 10–12, 2023, Budapest (HU)
Köster, M., Langeloh, M., Kliesch, C., Kanngießer, P., & Höhl, S., (2019), The neuronal dynamics of infants’ imitation learning., Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, January 03–05, 2019, Budapest (HU).
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V.M. & Parise, E., (2019), Ostensive signals contribute to the segmentation of actions in toddlers., Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, January 03–05, 2019, Budapest (HU).
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V.M. & Parise, E., (2018), Communicative signals help toddlers segment actions., Potsdam Research Institute for Early Learning & Educational Action Conference, October 04–05, 2018, Potsdam (DE),
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V.M. & Parise, E., (2018), The role of communicative signals in segmenting actions., Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, September 04–08, 2018, Lancaster (UK).
Kliesch, C., Reid, V. M., Theakston, A. L., Parise, E. (2018), Ostensive-referential communication modulates action interpretation at 9 months., International Congress of Infant Studies [ Abstract / Poster ], June 30–July 3, 2018, Philadelphia (USA)
Kliesch, C., Reid, V. M., Theakston, A. L., Parise, E. (2017), Anticipation of familiar, unexpected and novel actions in ostensive and non-ostensive contexts in 7-month-old infants, Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, August 22–25, 2017, Lancaster (UK)
Kliesch, C., Reid, V. M., Theakston, A. L., Parise, E. (2016), Ostensive Communication and Teleological Understanding of Actions in 7 and 9-Month Old Infants. Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, August 25– 27, 2016, Lancaster (UK).
Kliesch, C. (2012). Recursive mindreading in implicit and an explicit story telling., LEL Postgraduate Conference, May 14-16, University of Edinburgh.
Service to the Field
2015—2019 Abstract review, CogSci Conference
2016—2017 Conference preparation, Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, Lancaster, UK
2016 Abstract review, Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, Lancaster, UK
2016 Conference preparation, Implicit Learning Seminar, Lancaster, UK