Psychology Personal · 12 August 2011 ·
Good news!
This arrived in my inbox today:
Dear Christian Kliesch,
I would like to inform you that your paper “Making sense of syntax – Innate or acquired? Contrasting Universal Grammar with other approaches to language acquisition” has been accepted.
Said paper was my second level 3 critical review, which I submitted to the Journal of European Psychology Students a little while ago, and I hope to find it in the next issue of JEPS. This being my first publication, I’m a little bit proud! I decided to put a preliminary draft online.
If you are an undergraduate student yourself and have written a good final year project or literature review, it might be a good idea to submit it to JEPS, too. There’s no point in letting it go to waste.
The only downside is that they don’t accept PDF/LaTeX, for which I had to use the LaTeX2RTF converter first, to get it into boring RTF and evil DOC.
On the other hand, if you’re a PhD student looking for reviewing experience, JEPS is also constantly looking for reviewers, and you can surely help out.
Either way, time to open a bottle.
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